Broom Broom!!! Me and my family drove fast as lightning to MOTAT. It was in 805 Great North Rd, Western Springs, Auckland 1022 when we got there the first thing we saw was a big plane that jenn batten flew. There was a sign. It said she flew around the world then she crashed into the water. We saw a huge mining machine. Apparently they used it for mining. You could press a button then it was working. It was very cool. My sister spotted a mirror maze. I ran into the maze fast as a cheetah.
Suddenly!!! I ran into the glass my nose was bleeding very very bad. My mum got a tissue “ouch!!” I yelled. It really hurt. I ran into the maze and I found the way out it lead to a ice cream store. It cost 15 dollars it felt sad as rain. I somehow made my way back out of the maze “that was fun!!!” I yelled. “Should we go back home now” my Mum said with excitement. “I think so” said my sister
Knew!! Me and my sister had a race to the exit. My sister was a stingray. She was going so fast. We waited for mum to come. She was a tortoise. We went home me and my sister played I spy on the long trip home. It was so fun!!!